Geometria asta!
Un cerc imperfect,
Dincolo de forma!
Oricît de neeuclidiana
O sfera tuguiata
Probabil reflectîndu-se slab în aceasta
Nu poate da socoteala
Formei unei clepsidre - un ocean fara fund si plin de viata!
De miracolul dragostei,
Curbele unui deal
Asteapta sa fie gustate...
Altfel nu e niciun miracol
În ele se ascunde sufletul dragostei
Doar în el te poti scufunda la nesfîrsit
Semnul exclamarii?
Semnul întrebarii...
Puncte de suspensie!
sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2009
Reflectata in Cioburi numarul 1
Dragostea, e unde?
Un cerc imperfect,
Geometria asta!
Dincolo de formă,
O sferă ţuguiată
Oricît de neeuclidiană!
Probabil reflectîndu-se slab în aceasta
Forma unei clepsidre
Nu poate da socoteală
Unui ocean fără fund şi plin de viaţă!
Curbele unui deal
De miracolul dragostei
Aşteaptă să fie gustate!
În ele se ascunde sufletul dragostei
Altfel nu e niciun miracol
Doar în el te poţi scufunda la nesfîrşit…
Semnul întrebării…
Semnul exclamării?
Puncte de suspensie!
Un cerc imperfect,
Geometria asta!
Dincolo de formă,
O sferă ţuguiată
Oricît de neeuclidiană!
Probabil reflectîndu-se slab în aceasta
Forma unei clepsidre
Nu poate da socoteală
Unui ocean fără fund şi plin de viaţă!
Curbele unui deal
De miracolul dragostei
Aşteaptă să fie gustate!
În ele se ascunde sufletul dragostei
Altfel nu e niciun miracol
Doar în el te poţi scufunda la nesfîrşit…
Semnul întrebării…
Semnul exclamării?
Puncte de suspensie!
joi, 22 ianuarie 2009
Unde e dragostea
Un cerc imperfect
O sferă ţuguiată
Forma unei clepsidre
Curbele unui deal
În ele se ascunde sufletul dragostei
Semnul întrebării
Geometria asta
Oricît de neeuclidiană
Nu poate da socoteală
De miracolul dragostei
Altfel nu e niciun miracol
Semnul exclamării
Dincolo de formă
Probabil reflectîndu-se slab în aceasta
Un ocean fără fund şi plin de viaţă
Aşteaptă să fie gustat
Doar în el te poţi scufunda la nesfîrşit
Puncte de suspensie
O sferă ţuguiată
Forma unei clepsidre
Curbele unui deal
În ele se ascunde sufletul dragostei
Semnul întrebării
Geometria asta
Oricît de neeuclidiană
Nu poate da socoteală
De miracolul dragostei
Altfel nu e niciun miracol
Semnul exclamării
Dincolo de formă
Probabil reflectîndu-se slab în aceasta
Un ocean fără fund şi plin de viaţă
Aşteaptă să fie gustat
Doar în el te poţi scufunda la nesfîrşit
Puncte de suspensie
Cinema vs Tv
When it comes to TV vs Cinema, the discussion usually focuses around the technical characteristics of the two mediums, but to reduce the entire issue to this, is to entirely miss the point.
We will not say much about this, since these are very all known facts, namely that home entertainment is rapidly catching up with public theaters, when it comes to the quality of the presented image. We will only say that regardless of the high definition tv revolution and home cinema equipment, the two images presented will never be comparable, because of the simple reason that no one, or all most no one, has a wall the size of a cinema screen on which to project a movie.
But the essence of the issues is not about technicalities, it is about something else, something much more important, and that is the context. TV or home cinema has a totally different context than cinema, and the difference consists in what we may call “respect”. When you see a movie at home, on a dvd, you can always pause it or break it for every reason. In other words, at home, you are the master of the picture taking place on the screen, and for this reason most people will treat it like one treats a slave. On the big screen, on the other hand, you cannot pause the film for any reason, and your phone has to be switched off. If you miss a scene, there is no way you can rewind it, as you ca do on a dvd, so you have to pay full attention every second of the film. If you are seeing a move on the tv, you may at some point of it be bored and so get tempted to change the channel, which is exactly what most people do: they get bored and change the channel. Or the change the channel to skip the commercials and they forget to come back because their attention was caught by something else. In a theatre you can never change the channel, because there is no other channel to change to. One other thing, which we consider to be significant, is that when you have paied the ticked, you automatically get a dose of respect towards the movie. And it is not just about the money. The whole act of going to the cinema involves an effort which makes you think: if I have did this, this must be worth my respect
But the most important thing, the one that definitely sets the cinema so high above the seeing-a-movie-at-home experience that those two will never be in the same dimension, is the the fact that seeing a move in a theatre is a social experience. Of course, you see the movie through your own eyes, but the fact that there are many other eyes seeing it with you definitely has an impact on the way you perceive the movie. Is there something in the home experience that can match the end of the movie applause of two hundred people, some of them crying but all of them full of admiration, most of it coming from the movie that has just ended, but a considerable part of it coming from the people around them? The answer is no, and it will remain no as long as cinema will mean seeing the movie in a public place. If, on the other hand, some one will want many people in his home to watch a movie together, then, if the number is big enough, his home is no longer a home but a public place, a theatre.
We will not say much about this, since these are very all known facts, namely that home entertainment is rapidly catching up with public theaters, when it comes to the quality of the presented image. We will only say that regardless of the high definition tv revolution and home cinema equipment, the two images presented will never be comparable, because of the simple reason that no one, or all most no one, has a wall the size of a cinema screen on which to project a movie.
But the essence of the issues is not about technicalities, it is about something else, something much more important, and that is the context. TV or home cinema has a totally different context than cinema, and the difference consists in what we may call “respect”. When you see a movie at home, on a dvd, you can always pause it or break it for every reason. In other words, at home, you are the master of the picture taking place on the screen, and for this reason most people will treat it like one treats a slave. On the big screen, on the other hand, you cannot pause the film for any reason, and your phone has to be switched off. If you miss a scene, there is no way you can rewind it, as you ca do on a dvd, so you have to pay full attention every second of the film. If you are seeing a move on the tv, you may at some point of it be bored and so get tempted to change the channel, which is exactly what most people do: they get bored and change the channel. Or the change the channel to skip the commercials and they forget to come back because their attention was caught by something else. In a theatre you can never change the channel, because there is no other channel to change to. One other thing, which we consider to be significant, is that when you have paied the ticked, you automatically get a dose of respect towards the movie. And it is not just about the money. The whole act of going to the cinema involves an effort which makes you think: if I have did this, this must be worth my respect
But the most important thing, the one that definitely sets the cinema so high above the seeing-a-movie-at-home experience that those two will never be in the same dimension, is the the fact that seeing a move in a theatre is a social experience. Of course, you see the movie through your own eyes, but the fact that there are many other eyes seeing it with you definitely has an impact on the way you perceive the movie. Is there something in the home experience that can match the end of the movie applause of two hundred people, some of them crying but all of them full of admiration, most of it coming from the movie that has just ended, but a considerable part of it coming from the people around them? The answer is no, and it will remain no as long as cinema will mean seeing the movie in a public place. If, on the other hand, some one will want many people in his home to watch a movie together, then, if the number is big enough, his home is no longer a home but a public place, a theatre.
Nothing is impossible for a willing heart
When you first hear this saying, you are suddenly faced with a fact that is quite strange, namely that, in some special conditions, all things become possible. Of course, we all know that there are things that are impossible. We grow up learning to accept our limited nature, an inability to solve all problems and to achieve all goals, and this becomes an essential part of the way we view the world and the way we relate to it.
If you are to take this saying seriously, you have to admit that it is rather funny than serious, or that there is something in it that is not quite what it seems to be at the first sight. In other words, if it is not just a joke, there is a special way in which it has to be understood.
The saying has two parts. The first one we have already approached in some way, and it is now the time to say it directly that it is impossible to say that all things are possible. The world is built in such a manner that it does not allow all the subjective projections of the millions of hearts populating it to take actual reality. But, apparently, this is what the saying is stating, that, given a willing heart, there is nothing that is not possible for it. This saying is usually given as an inspiration source able to provide energy for those who do not find enough motivation to go on in a certain matter or to overcome a certain obstacle. Understood in such a way, we see the saying as an acceptable exaggeration serving a noble cause, but this would mean that we are not really taking it seriously.
So, what would the saying mean if we were to take it seriously? Let us imagine a willing heart wishing that the rain would stop so that she or he can go for a walk in the park with the loved one. The heart may be willing, but this will probably won’t stop the rain. So what she or he do in that situation? Well, if the heart is really willing, she or he will take that walk anyway, in the rain, and will probably find reasons to sing in the rain as well. So, what happened? The rain didn’t stop, but the heart has somehow achieved it’s goal. We are now able to see that opposed to a cold and deaf world, the heart has the unique ability to find a way around some certain impossibilities. Of course, this way may sometime come as a sacrifice, but at the same time the heart, or the wish, will some how come to find fulfillment and be satisfied, even if, in the process, it will come to realize that the world, that is the impossibility, has remained unchanghed, and that the change has taken place somewhere elese, that is in the willing heart itself.
If you are to take this saying seriously, you have to admit that it is rather funny than serious, or that there is something in it that is not quite what it seems to be at the first sight. In other words, if it is not just a joke, there is a special way in which it has to be understood.
The saying has two parts. The first one we have already approached in some way, and it is now the time to say it directly that it is impossible to say that all things are possible. The world is built in such a manner that it does not allow all the subjective projections of the millions of hearts populating it to take actual reality. But, apparently, this is what the saying is stating, that, given a willing heart, there is nothing that is not possible for it. This saying is usually given as an inspiration source able to provide energy for those who do not find enough motivation to go on in a certain matter or to overcome a certain obstacle. Understood in such a way, we see the saying as an acceptable exaggeration serving a noble cause, but this would mean that we are not really taking it seriously.
So, what would the saying mean if we were to take it seriously? Let us imagine a willing heart wishing that the rain would stop so that she or he can go for a walk in the park with the loved one. The heart may be willing, but this will probably won’t stop the rain. So what she or he do in that situation? Well, if the heart is really willing, she or he will take that walk anyway, in the rain, and will probably find reasons to sing in the rain as well. So, what happened? The rain didn’t stop, but the heart has somehow achieved it’s goal. We are now able to see that opposed to a cold and deaf world, the heart has the unique ability to find a way around some certain impossibilities. Of course, this way may sometime come as a sacrifice, but at the same time the heart, or the wish, will some how come to find fulfillment and be satisfied, even if, in the process, it will come to realize that the world, that is the impossibility, has remained unchanghed, and that the change has taken place somewhere elese, that is in the willing heart itself.
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